My First Full Moon Ritual & Meditation

Full moons are the perfect time to release any behaviors, habits, relationships, energies and various things that do not serve your greater good. So I had prepared for a small ritual to perform under the full moon as soon as night had fallen. Little did I know my deck was currently home to a raccoon and I thought I'd let him pass through un-bothered. I decided to conduct my meditation and ritual in my living room. This was not ideal and the house thought so too.

It was simple, I had 2 purple candles, one tall tapered black candle. I had amethyst and Jade stones, I had my journal to write on. I also had clove incense burning. I had my lavender jasmine tea. I was prepared. I began with a brief sound/clap cleanser about my head. Before I meditate I like to clap twice on each side of my head to clear things out. This really just gets me in the frame of mind. Some people like to ring bells, or hit a drum, or use a singing bowl. Sounds clear the clutter out of the head.

ANYWAY, I felt really uneasy before settling down but decided to get on with it anyway. As I begin to write down my releases with the intent to burn them at the end, suddenly the light above me went out. I live in 200 year old home. It's never felt haunted but it's never felt empty. And lights often go out when I'm alone. I just figure someone is trying to tell me something. I felt like whatever it was didn't want me performing rituals in the space at that time of night. MAYBE I'M CRAZY. Or maybe it's just my own energy knocking about the room. OR maybe it's just the gawd awful wiring. Needless to say I wrapped things up quickly and went to have a salt lavender bath after.

The next day (yesterday) was great! I felt rejuvenated. I noticed that I have a lot of anxious energy before a full moon and this felt gone yesterday. I got work done, accomplished a lot around the house and just felt good. However I did not have time to meditate yesterday so I'm looking forward to doing that today!


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