
Showing posts from July, 2019

Meditation and Depression: How to just DO IT

Meditating is said to be very good for depression but what happens when you feel so awful that you can't even bring yourself to get into meditation mode? That's what I was struggling with the past few days. Well I guess it's been nearly a solid week of struggle for me. Struggle to get out of bed, struggle to eat, struggle to fight tears. Just horrible feelings that came out of nowhere. This is a side effect of the hormone therapy I'm currently on for treatment of endometriosis and adenomyosis . I've always had depressed tendencies and fell into a deep depression a couple years ago while working an office job I once enjoyed.  I was clinically depressed for about 2-3 years and somewhere in there I started feeling better. I think it was shortly after my wedding and shortly when a doctor started to take me seriously when I told her how much pain I was in. Finally having a doctor believe me when I explained how painful my periods were and that the pain didn't end

Morning Meditation with The Horned God

I don't tend to set intentions for every meditation. The goal often is just to clear my mind so I can think more clearly later in the day. However, today I wanted to see if I could invoke the spirit of the Horned God who is pretty much the only god I've been experiencing lately. This is likely due to my very green nature and path. It's also summer and the height of my gardening season. Yesterday I purchased this lovely oil from my local Witchy emporium called The Neighborhood Witch. It is an anointing oil although it wasn't labeled. It smells amazing and well I thought I would give it a shot today during my meditation. I guess it worked. I don't expect to see anything in minds eye but I'm very good at visualization so it turns out. I just start by visualizing the ocean or this piece of forest from memory. I ease into it and really, everything that pops into my brain is so sudden that it seems to comes entirely from outside myself. One can assume this is your

Last Night's Meditation: Triangles, Tarot and Writing

I did not get to start my morning with a meditation as I have recently preferred to do. Instead I had to dash out the door at 7:45 to get to my doctors office for an appointment. Sometimes there just isn't enough time in the morning. Sometimes life gets in the way. I prefer to start work a bit later in the morning around 9. I can do that because I'm self employed but I realize many people do not have this luxury and are bound by a schedule they have settled for. Regardless I bunkered down for me meditation sometime after supper, after the kitchen was clean and I had a shower. I needed to get those thing out of the way before I could feel ready to change my brain. That's a little what I feel like I'm doing when I meditate. I want to be calm and ready to accept something new. This meditation didn't last very long. I don't set a timer but I'm a fairly good judge of time and so is the meditation nature track I've been fond of. I like to find something

My First Full Moon Ritual & Meditation

Full moons are the perfect time to release any behaviors, habits, relationships, energies and various things that do not serve your greater good. So I had prepared for a small ritual to perform under the full moon as soon as night had fallen. Little did I know my deck was currently home to a raccoon and I thought I'd let him pass through un-bothered. I decided to conduct my meditation and ritual in my living room. This was not ideal and the house thought so too. It was simple, I had 2 purple candles, one tall tapered black candle. I had amethyst and Jade stones, I had my journal to write on. I also had clove incense burning. I had my lavender jasmine tea. I was prepared. I began with a brief sound/clap cleanser about my head. Before I meditate I like to clap twice on each side of my head to clear things out. This really just gets me in the frame of mind. Some people like to ring bells, or hit a drum, or use a singing bowl. Sounds clear the clutter out of the head. ANYWAY, I fel

Time Travel and Meditation

Summer Altar I'm fairly new to meditation. All my attempts at such in the past were... well failed would be an accurate word. Yet every where I turn I am told that meditation and mindfulness is the key to inner peace. Inner peace as a recovering addict is something I very much need to find. As someone who feels powerless so often, over my addiction and over my life, I realized that I need to turn inward to find happiness. Something integral to that inner peace for me is FOCUS. I lack focus. I always have. My attention and thoughts are entirely fleeting and it's so hard to be truly pulled into the now, into THIS moment. I think it was Joseph Heller who wrote a book (Catch 22 to be exact), in which his character Yoassarian exclaims that he is a time traveler. He describes being able to transport back in time to any of his previously lived moments and be right there.. of course he's talking about reliving memories. I think we can all identify with that. I feel like I'm